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Love working with kids, being outdoors, and sharing your passion for the environment? Join the BZS Summer Aqua Camps as a: - Aqua Camp Counsellor- Aqua Camp Assistant- After-Camp Counsellor & Assistant   Make a splash this summer while inspiring young minds!   Give them a call or vist their website for more info.

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3 results found in Businesses for bermuda employment and training
Rent Commission is located in Hamilton and is responsible for administering and enforcing the Rent Increases (Domestic Premises) Control Act 1978.   We’re responsible for decision making and regulating the amount and terms for...

23 Parliament Street, P.O. Box HM 1364 Hamilton, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

Located in Hamilton, the National Office for Seniors and the Physically Challenged is a unit within the Department of Health. It offers a comprehensive range of services to help seniors and Bermudians with disabilities lead a life with...

Continental Building, 25 Church Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

The Department of Workforce Development works under the Ministry of Home Affairs and is responsible for labor relations, training, and career development in Bermuda.   We offer various services for Bermudians to enhance their...

23 Parliament Street, City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 12

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